Many factors affect teaching and learning processes, and the school environment is not excluded. As of 2022, a study showed that students caused 46.2% continuous spread of COVID-19, which is 21.2% more than the spread by the general public.

This means an unkept learning facility increases illness rates, reduces staff and student performance, and ruins the school’s reputation. If you want to boost morale, reduce absenteeism, and lessen students' withdrawal rate, this guide to janitorial services for educational facilities is for you.

What Are School Cleaners Called?

In the United States, school cleaners are called janitors; their job is to tidy up and maintain the school environment without disrupting educational activities. Certified janitors follow regulations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide educational facilities with a healthier teaching and learning environment.

Why Janitorial Services Are Important for Educational Facilities

Janitorial services help keep the school environment clean and free from hazardous materials. Here are the top reasons janitorial services are important for schools:

1. Create a Conducive Learning Environment

An unkept educational facility makes students and teachers disorganized and distracted. However, a clean and organized environment positively impacts the teaching and learning experience. For instance, students can easily focus on the lesson, rather than the distraction from wet floors or smelly bathrooms.

Also, frequent school cleaning ensures teachers can easily navigate well-organized classrooms, finding the necessary teaching materials without disruption. This, in turn, leads to smooth lesson delivery and great experiences for the instructor and the students.

2. Reduce In-School Accidents

Since accidents are bound to occur in cluttered and disorganized environments, janitorial services are important for schools to create an accident-free zone. For instance, suppose a student accidentally spills a drink on the gym floor with no professional janitors available to clean it up.

In this case, a teacher or student might lose their footing on the wet surface, causing them to slip and fall. This could lead to avoidable injuries and the ensuing consequences. Utilizing professional school cleaning services will go a long way toward preventing this and protecting the school from potential lawsuits on the basis of negligence.

3. Keep Up Consistent Cleaning

Keeping the school environment clean shouldn’t be a once-in-a-blue-moon approach since the building is usually occupied for an average of 180 days yearly in the United States. Professional janitorial services for schools follow a consistent cleaning schedule tailored to the school's needs.

For instance, Georgia Facility Services offers flexible janitorial service plans that include daily cleaning without interrupting school activities. This ensures that all areas, including classrooms, restrooms, hallways, laboratories, halls, etc., are regularly cleaned and well-maintained.

4. Save Time 

It is expected that staff, students, and school visitors maintain cleanliness in the facility. However, it is not their duty to clean up the environment, especially since they must teach, learn, or attend meetings.

School staff should focus on education, and students should focus on learning, not cleaning. Hiring professionals allows teachers and administrators to concentrate on their core responsibilities.

5. Prevent Disease Outbreak

Research suggests that schools are some of the easiest breeding grounds for various types of infectious diseases. This doesn’t only put the students at risk; it also endangers their families and loved ones who may come in contact with them in the event of a contagious disease outbreak.

Apart from cleaning your educational facilities, seasoned janitorial service providers, such as Georgia Facility Services, are OSHA-certified and follow the best health safety practices to curb and mitigate the spread of pathogens in your schools.

Besides, professional janitors pay attention to and clean up high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, desks, and restrooms to prevent the transmission of viruses and bacteria and keep students and staff healthier.

How to Choose the Right Janitorial Service Provider for Your School 

Your choice of a janitorial service provider is one of the most important decisions you will make as a school owner or management staff because it concerns the safety of all involved stakeholders in your educational facility. Here is Georgia Facility Services' ultimate guide to helping you select the best provider when searching for “janitorial services near me”:

1. Experience

One of the first things to consider when choosing a company for school cleaning is experience. Being a great cleaning agency doesn't cut it. You need a professional with school facility sanitation and maintenance experience. So, ensure your chosen company has a track record of successful completion of educational facility cleaning with a good clientele base to vouch for them.

2. Customized Plans

Educational facilities come in different sizes, with complexes for laboratories, libraries, bathrooms, etc. Some schools dedicate separate buildings to science labs to safeguard other spaces in case of chemical-related accidents.

Depending on your facility's requirements, opt for janitorial services for schools with a range of offerings that cover all your needs. They should be competent with common toxic chemicals in learning environments and how to handle them properly in the face of accidents.

3. Budget and Contract Terms

Pricing is another important factor when searching for janitorial services near you. This is because your budget serves as a blueprint showing what borders you can cross and prevents you from hiring professionals that you can't afford.

Aside from knowing how much you are willing to pay for school cleaning services, you need to obtain detailed cost estimates and review contract terms thoroughly to understand pricing, payment schedules, and any additional charges. If you are not clear about any part of the contract, do not hesitate to make inquiries to avoid any hidden fees.

4. Green Cleaning Practices and Technology

Georgia Facility Services utilizes green cleaning methods to maintain its clients' properties while prioritizing sustainability. So, it is advisable to consider providers that use environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices to promote a healthier and more sustainable school atmosphere.

Guidelines for Selecting the Best Cleaning Products and Equipment

Even when hiring janitorial service providers, you can still purchase and keep cleaning products and equipment for your own use. Here is a detailed guide to help you.

  • Do Your Research: When buying cleaning products, it is important to do in-depth research. Compare various offers, read relevant articles and blog posts about chemical and green products, and ask friends, family, or colleagues if they can recommend any. 
  • Purchase Industrial and Commercial Cleaning Products: All cleaning products are not the same, and ones made for commercial and industrial use are usually stronger and much more effective than others. Ensure that your janitors stick to the plan, except to recommend another product tailored to your educational facility’s needs.
  • Go for Green Products: A recent study by Simon-Kucher & Partners shows that 85% of people prefer greener product and service options. Also, most professional janitorial service providers prioritize eco-friendly cleaning practices and equipment, using environmentally safe products and methods. This promotes sustainability and teaches students the importance of responsible stewardship.

Tips on Keeping a Clean, Hygienic Environment in Educational Facilities 

The importance of a clean and hygienic environment can not be overlooked. While you’re considering hiring professional janitorial services for schools, it is important to know how you and other school contributors can be part of maintaining hygienic environments. Here are a few tips to help you:

1. Encourage Staff and Students to Maintain Good Hygiene

One of the primary ways of maintaining cleanliness in schools is by encouraging the daily contributors (students and staff) to keep their environment free from dirt. Install hand sanitizers at the school entrance, bathrooms, and high-traffic areas, and insist on frequent use. Also, educate them on proper waste disposal and the importance of covering their mouths and noses when yawning, sneezing, or coughing.

2. Maintain a Cleaning Schedule and Involve Students in the Cleaning Process

As discussed earlier, cleaning the school environment should be done regularly. However, some areas of the facility might not need frequent deep sanitation. For instance, the bathrooms and classrooms require daily cleaning, while leaf and snow removal can be done once or twice weekly.

So, make arrangements with your janitorial service provider to determine the best cleaning schedule for various areas of the facility. In addition, you can involve students in the process by letting them arrange their classrooms, dust the laboratories, or pick up litter; this will teach them the importance of maintaining a clean environment.

3. Waste Management

Provide trash cans in various areas of the school, including classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and fields. This ensures that students dispose of items properly, maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment.

Next Steps

Finding a great janitorial school cleaning service can be daunting, but with Georgia Facility Services, you can access top-tier green care routines and OSHA-recommended cleaning processes and equipment. We have 15 years of consistent industry excellence and still maintain 24/7 speedy emergency responses. Contact the team at Georgia Facility Services today to get an estimate tailored to your school cleaning needs.